The Isotech Nitrogen Boiling Point Apparatus is designed specifically to realize and maintain the liquid-vapour equilibrium (boiling point) of nitrogen or argon, for the calibration of thermometers on the International Temperature Scale of 1990.
The Boiling Point Apparatus is self-contained and refrigerated by liquid nitrogen or liquid argon, which must be supplied by the user. Either liquid is suitable for the purpose. Liquid nitrogen is generally less costly and more readily available than liquid argon. The Apparatus does not require electrical power for its operation.
The Boiling Point Apparatus will maintain the liquid-vapour equilibrium of nitrogen (-195.798°C) or of argon (-185.8468°C) indefinitely, provided boiled-off gas is replenished.
ITS-90 specifies the triple point of argon (-189.3442°C) as the low end of the long-stem Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometer range. As a practical matter, realization of this triple point is a costly (in equipment and time) and complicated process.